Jun 1, 2020 | Announcement, Chicken
Hi everyone! Did you ever have Chicken Chow Mein like this? It is actually very delightful dish, a takeout to be made at home. Please try. 大家好!你吃过这个鸡肉炒白菜吗?很清新哟, 试试看吧。 Thank you! Love, Ling Ingredients: Chicken breast, 4 oz Napa cabbage, about 7 cups 1 Stalk celery 5...
May 28, 2020 | Announcement, Appetizers, Rice and Noodles, Soup, Vegetables
Hi everyone! This year’s Memorial’s day feels different, isn’t it? I did my first curbside pickup, and the food was delicious. 大家好!今年的国殇节感觉是不是不一样?我第一次订了外卖,挺不错。 Thank you! Love, Ling My Chongqing noodle recipe: https://youtu.be/hdNKgvcv8jE My Sichuan...
May 28, 2020 | Announcement, Seafood, Soup, Tofu, Vegetables
Thank you guys for tuning in. I had fun. Hope you did too. Love, Ling Check out my hot pot recipes: Sichuan spicy hot pot: https://youtu.be/S4FfBasnzxI Vegetarian hot pot: https://youtu.be/-npdJctxQqE Braised ribs I had in the hot pot: https://youtu.be/r-WNOeHHyZ0...
May 18, 2020 | Announcement, Vegetables
Hi everyone! Some of you guys requested Egg Foo Young. Here’s my take on this dish. Please try and rate mine against what you had before. 大家好!有些观众要求我做芙蓉蛋,这是我的做法。请试试并比较我的和你吃过的外卖。 Thank you! Love, Ling Ingredients: 2 eggs 1/4 cup diced carrots 1/4 cup diced bella...
May 18, 2020 | Announcement, Chicken
Hi everyone! Please try this flavorful stewed chicken with mushrooms. Enjoy! Wishing all the moms a Happy Mother’s Day! 大家好!请试试这道味道浓浓的蘑菇烧鸡。祝所有妈妈母亲节快乐! Thank you! Love, Ling Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 lbs chicken wings (or drumsticks or cut up chicken) 8 bella...
May 4, 2020 | Announcement, Appetizers, Dim Sum, Rice and Noodles
Hi everyone! Did you ever made or eat steamed corn buns? They are easy to make with corn flour. Please try. 大家好!你做过或吃过窝窝头吗?很简单易做,试试看咯。 Thank you! Love, Ling Ingredients: 1 cup corn flour 1 cup sticky rice flour (or regular rice flour or all purpose flour) 2 cups warm...