
Chicken and Mushrooms Stir-Fry, another easy recipe with less than 5 ingredients 蘑菇鸡片
Here's another easy chicken and baby bella mushrooms stir-fry recipe. Everyone can easily find the ingredients locally. Enjoy! Comparing to my other chicken and mushrooms stir-fry recipe: Ingredients: 1 chicken breast 1 pack of baby bella...

5 Spice Chicken 五香粉蒸肉
5 Spice Chicken is so flavorful and easy to steam. You may buy a pack of 5 spice rice power at an Asian market or follow my recipe below to make your own at home. Enjoy! How to make rice powder: Similar steamer to mine:...

Easy Cumin Chicken 孜然鸡
If you tried my cumin beef before, you will like cumin chicken too. I added vegetables this time. It is such a flavorful dish. Enjoy! Ling's Cumin Beef: In the video: Carbon steel wok Ingredients: 1 chicken breast...

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup, two versions with two flavors 鸡汤面
Chicken Noodle Soup is so easy to make and so comforting. I used home-made chicken soup, but store-bought stock will work too. There are two versions with two flavors, Chinese take-out version with soy sauce and sesame oil and Sichuan style with Sichuan green...

Easy Honey Chicken Wings 蜜汁鸡翅
Honey Chicken Wings are just in time for Olympics, Super Bowl, and any games. They are similar to my soy chicken wings and finished with honey. Enjoy! Compare to my soy sauce chicken wings: Light Soy Sauce Dark soy...